BINGO NIGHT (Short Film)
Comedy | 2014/2023
"Bingo Night" is a heartwarming short film where Ethel, on the verge of eviction from her beloved retirement home, teams up with friends for an audacious bingo hall heist.
Written & Directed by Jordan Liebowitz
Edit, color, sound: Gabrielle Alese Brown
Neighbor! (Short Silent Film)
Horror | 2023
In "Neighbor!', Lily's relaxing summer is disrupted by her intriguing encounters with the boy next door. As their interactions progress, things are far from what they seem.
Written & Directed by Gabrielle Alese Brown
Edit, color, sound: Gabrielle Alese Brown
Thriller | 2022
"The Librarian" is a film project that centers on Gertrude, a woman who appears ordinary on the surface but harbors a dark secret. This is my debut film project for my college film/production class at the College of DuPage.
Written & Directed by Gabrielle Brown
Edit, color, sound: Gabrielle Alese Brown
Cinematic | 2023
Take a cinematic Dive into a day at The Shedd Aquarium with us.
Edit, color, sound: Gabrielle Alese Brown & Jenna Maali
Limelight (Coming Soon!)
The Librarian (Short Film)
A Day At The Shedd.
Drama | 2023
"Ophelia", a renowned pop star, shines at a Nashville concert but faces harsh criticism from her manager backstage. In private, she reveals her scars and struggles, quickly masking her pain to meet VIP fans. The story contrasts her public persona with her hidden battles and abusive management.
Written & Directed by Elizabeth Barbosa
Produced, shot, edit, color, sound: Gabrielle Alese Brown